Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just got back from Camp! It was way fun! I'll tell you all about it going in order of the days.

Monday: Monday was just arrive day. Nothing much really happened then. I just made some friends and got settled in and stuff and we had to wake up at 6:30 so that whoever wanted to go jump in the freezing cold lake it the morning could....

Tuesday: Tuesday, we got all packed up for our 2 hour long backpacking trip/2 night campout! The backpacks were way heavy and we had to go uphill almost the entire day! I had fun, but my shoulders got bruised from the weight of the backpacks. THen we just got all settled in, set up our tents, cooked dinner, blah, blah, blah...

Wednsday: Wednsday we went on this huge 5 or 6 hour hike! I felt soo hot and wasn't feeling too good going up the mountain. My stomach hurt and I felt like I was going to puke. But, we hiked our way down the Brighton ski resort. Then, about 4 hours later, we had to go back up, which only took about 2 hours... Then, once we got back down to our camp site, we packed up and went down a little bit of the mountain, and that's where we stayed for the last night. We set up our tents and settled in for the night. Oh, and we fit 4 people in a 2 or 3 person tent, and my butt was on a sharp rock all night, and for some odd reason, the walls of the tent were all wet, so the people that were sleeping on the edges were damp when they woke up.

Thursday: Thursday morning we hiked back to our original camp. It didn't take as long to go back, thankfully. Then, we unpacked our stuff in our tents, our really big tents with cots and stuff. And we didn't do much that day...

Friday: Friday we had Camper's Playground, kinda dumb name to call it, but what you could do is you could go to the lake and swim, canoe, kayak, that kind of stuff, or you could hang out outside and play different games and I don't know what the third choice was.
Oh and my friend found a moose right outside of our tent because our tent, in the back door we have scenery and stuff, so when she went out there she saw a male moose and a baby moose. It was way cool!
Friday we also had campfire where people sing camp songs and do skits which was pretty fun. After the campfire we made smores which was sooo fun!
Later that night, we packed up. And my friend, in her backpack, someone else was using it and there were oatmeal oats spilled in it, and she dumped out the back way. And that night, she thought that moose eat oats, and another girl in our tent said that they didn't and then they kept on having that discussion which got annoying quickly because we were all trying to sleep.

Saturday: Saturday our parents came to pick us up.

It was soo pretty up there, especially in the evening because it's all pink and the clouds are big and fluffy. I had such a fun time!