Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Concert

I just went to the best concert I've ever been to!!! My Chemical Romance!!! They were awesome, and what made it even better was the fact that I got VERY FRONT!!!! It was sooo awesome!!! I got this flippin' awesome messenger bag from there, and I also got some gloves with the cut off fingers that say My Chemical Romance on them... My friends Allex and Megan (By the way, I have two friends named Alex, one from my school, and one that isn't. The one that isn't is spelled A-l-l-e-x and the one that is, is spelled A-l-e-x,) They got to meet Frankie and get an autograph and hug him!!!!! I was sooo jealous!!! But it was Gerards b-day on April 10, and we all yelled Happy Birthday, and he is only 31!!! My friends are psychotic and keep saying that he is so fit (not that he isn't).
Picture showing he is fit.